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Industrial Computer Engineering Lab

Applied research, technology transfer, and collaboration with the local area: a production line created according to the principles of Industry 4.0 focused on education, training, and innovation, in close cooperation with local companies.


The project

The ICE Laboratory was set up to promote synergy between the technological innovation of Industry 4.0 and the education and research centers located in the Verona area. The facility is part of the IT excellence project, which was awarded 8 million euro by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research. The project involves creating prototypes that can be used in production lines with the integration of augmented reality.

ICE laboratory

The ICE Laboratory is located close to the Verona Exhibition Centre, in a strategic context to develop new technologies. The facility serves as a technological demonstrator, functional to reconfigure industrial processes such as additive and subtractive manufacturing, quality control, assembly, and parts storage. The laboratory aims to encourage interaction between academic, informative, and entrepreneurial realities, anticipating the emerging trends that will impact the economic and productive scenario in the coming years.

A bridge between technological research and business needs

The ICE Laboratory aims to create an effective collaboration between local companies and research institutes. In particular, companies will be able to use the laboratory spaces to test prototypes of new technologies, conducting experiments in a safe and controlled environment. There is also the possibility of organizing demonstration sessions that can illustrate the prototypes' functioning to an interested public.

Master's Degree in Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry

In parallel with the laboratory development, the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona activated the Master's Degree in Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry. The course will enable the training of a new professional figure, equipped with vertical skills on the automation pyramid processes. Graduates will learn how to proactively manage and face the challenges arising from the information (IT) and operational (OT) aspects of a corporate entity.

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Latest news from the laboratory

The laboratory is supported by a group of companies that guide its development and test their technologies.



The laboratory is supported by a group of companies that guide its development and test their technologies.

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